Friday 28 June 2013


“Do I really have to do it now?”…“It’s not that urgent.”…“I’ll get to it later.” The many excuses we come up with to avoid doing something we need to do. With how things are today, the pressure from all directions may sometimes leave us confused about what we really need to prioritize. The duties and responsibilities bombarding us every day, the friends and family we need to attend to, emails and messages we need to reply. It might just weigh a bit too much on us.

Duty calls almost every moment. It is hard to just do one thing at one given time. Even the time to just sit down and relax can end up being unavailable. However, we can choose to do the right thing, at the right time. In an article, entitled Master time, in the Saturday magazine, Oliver Emberton revealed, “Humans are pre-wired to focus on things which demand an immediate response…and to postpone things which are most important…” I thought this revelation was quite valid and it got me thinking. I have since sought to change a few aspects in order to improve the quality of my life.

Whenever you feel that something is important and, from deep within your heart, you have the urge and the time to do it, just do it right there and then. You might be tempted to procrastinate but the problem is that, that might have just been the best, or worse, only chance you had of doing it. We have an enemy, Satan, who will stop at nothing to make us suffer and eventually, end up like him. The moment you make that decision to do something good, either for yourself or for someone else, he will do all it takes to fight it. Therefore, do what you need to do the moment you have a chance to do it and proceed. Don’t say you will do it later. Paul reasons with us in James 4:14-15, “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” Therefore, since you cannot be sure about your tomorrow, for your own sake, just do what you got to do right there and then. For that which you cannot do, let it rest in God’s perfect will.

It might be that sick one you have to visit in hospital. You may be the one to cheer them up to recovery. It could be that pledge you made in church, or a child’s school fees that you promised to pay. Don’t keep postponing, just do it already. It could also be an assignment that is due in two weeks time but you have the chance to do it now. How about you just get done with it and be easy for the rest of the time as you wait to hand it over. I must admit that I am a culprit of such but, I do believe, I am on the road to change. It always seems too early to do some of these essential things. It only hits us when it is almost time and we have to rush to get things done, or worse, when it is too late. Procrastination is indeed, a bad syndrome.

Now this is the epitome of all procrastination. We spend many Sundays in church, listening to the word of God. We even, at times, agree with what it says because we see the point. However, how many of us choose to truly live by it? How many times do we leave the church and forget about what it was the pastor said? How many instances do we convince ourselves out of responding to the alter call, when the preacher calls on those who wish to give their lives to Christ? I hear many saying that they have not yet felt the conviction. Do you know that by saying so, you are actually dismissing that very conviction you claim not to be feeling? Others may say that they are still enjoying their youth and will get born again later in their years. The enemy delights in such speak because he knows exactly what to do so that you miss out on eternal life. He will make you so engrossed in loving the world and its pleasures that you will even end up forgetting about that plan you had. Worse, he can as well destroy you before you get to that time you intend to give your life to Christ.

Don’t take any chances, just do it. Time is running out quick and life is not that long. Live for the moment, making good use of every opportunity, and let God hold your tomorrow. 

Wednesday 19 June 2013


Many a times, we buy items, especially electronic equipment, and we care less about reading the user manuals. We proceed on to use them, relying on our previous knowledge of dealing with such items. We assume that they work in the same way. However, we fail to realize that this kind of behavior may prevent us from getting the best out of that particular item. It may have some special feature which we may fail to recognize just because of not carefully going through the user manual. Anyway, we may get away unharmed when we don’t read user manuals of worldly items. However, that is not the case with salvation.
The word of God, to any Christian, is an indispensable user manual. It is the one which will guide you. Enabling you to understand the will of God in your life. 2 Timothy 3:16 clearly states that all scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, correcting and training in righteousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. The verse clearly defines the importance of scripture. It is meant to lead us, through correction and rebuke, to righteous living. All these will then equip you with the content and ability to do every good work which will then lead to the Glory of God.
In this case, good work entails leading others to Christ. It is our duty, as Christians, to bring others to the Lord. This is well instructed in Matthew 28:19. “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always to the very end of the age.” Thus, as followers of Christ, we should not just sit down, enjoy our salvation and wait to go to heaven. We have a collective call to go out and be fishers of men. The only way to have the passion and confidence to do that is through reading scripture and prayer. At first, I used to wonder how I would reach out. However, with time, God has slowly opened me up and has given me platforms on which I have spoken to His people. Right from the Sunday school children in church to you who is reading this right now.
Having the urge to read the word of God does not come easy. It may seem difficult or even impossible at first, but with discipline and commitment, it will eventually become a joy. I can honestly attest to the fact that the scripture is the most pleasant text I get to read every day. Since news broke out about secret societies, that is, illuminati and the rest, some people find themselves obsessing about them. Digging up about their histories and hearsays. I had rather arm myself with the right amour which renders me protected from all evil. Jesus used it against the devil and He won in a mighty way. The tempter was left mum. For that, I have even vowed to be reading it over and over again, until the day I die. By God’s amazing grace, I know I will manage. It always teaches me something new about God and my daily life all the time, and that is what gives me the zeal to keep reading it. Hence, all you have to do is just open up your heart and you will enjoy reading the Bible.
The word of God is, of course, not like the ordinary user manuals. You don’t just read it once and you are all good with it. You need to constantly meditate upon the word. This helps you to keep yourself in check, such that you don’t forget what you have been instructed to do. Also, in as much as you may read the scripture, you should be careful not to take it as a burden. Rather, you should view it as God’s way of speaking to us, which is indeed the case. As you listen, you should let the Holy Spirit direct you. Remember, we do not walk by the flesh, but rather by the Spirit. Therefore, like David wrote in Psalms 119:105 let the word of God be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. With the Godly inspired words in your mind and the Holy Spirit by your side, you can never go wrong.
Go on and have a life-changing read……..

Saturday 1 June 2013


Back in the days, way back before civilization was this stable, slavery was a norm. The rich and powerful were well known and they made good use of the poor. History is not really my favourite subject, but with the little I know of it, I believe there were so many unfair policies in place during the previous centuries. The Bible provides several instances where slavery and oppression are depicted. In Nehemiah’s time for example, the poor were crying out to him on how the rich were taking advantage of them. The nobles were exacting usury on the powerless. When it occurred that they were unable to pay back their debts, they would then sell their sons and daughters as slaves. Another heartbreaking story is that of the Israelites in Egypt. The Egyptians decided to turn against their Israelite counterparts, who were inhabiting their country, because of fear. They subjected the Israelites to gruesome torture and labour in order to weaken them. In all these instances, and many others, we see God eventually setting His people free. This, to me, implies that God cherishes freedom which is why He provided for us a way to have ultimate freedom through the ultimate sacrifice.

When I look back in time, I always thank God for the many legends He has used to liberate the oppressed. Most African nations, and many others, have in one way or another undergone a period of colonialism. The powerful nations descended on the lesser countries and saw to use them to their own advantage. However, not all the subjects were ready to just sit down and bear such kind of treatment. Several revolutions arose in opposition to colonialism and in a short while, it became history. I was not there to witness all that they did back then but I sure do appreciate their efforts. A lot of blood was shed in order to give birth to what we have today and I give God all the glory. He allowed all that to happen so that those with the ability to learn can do so. God knows how valuable freedom is and it is why He gave His one and only Son for us to have it. The days of physical slavery are long gone. It may still be there but not as spontaneous as it was back then. What we largely have today is the silent and subtle slavery. The spiritual kind that many are blind to.

The master is the one who dictates what a slave must do and the slave, on the other hand, has no choice but to obey all the master's orders. Disobedience, mostly, leads to untold punishment and torture, making the slaves to be in total submission to the master. Things, however, may not be that direct in the spiritual realm. We become slaves to objects and even people when we cannot do without them. When it comes to objects, they could be, for instance, technology, money, fame and even fun, among others. All these are, by no means, evil. However, when you place them as your top priority in life, then they become your master. Take money for instance, if you prioritize the search for money as your main goal in life, you will find yourself doing all it takes to make money. This may in turn make you numb to all else around you as long as you achieve your goal. This renders you a slave to money. 

When it comes to fun, it may seem quite harmless but it is in real sense that which is leading many astray. We live in a world where good is seen to be boring, while bad is now fun. Some end up doing stuff like smoking cigarettes and bhang, engaging in illicit sex and even staunch alcoholism, all in the name of having fun. The sad part is that all these are subtly addictive, leaving one a slave to them. Others may justify smoking and alcoholism in the sense that when taken in small quantities, they are harmless. My question is how come they end up being so dependent on them. Some assert that smoking stimulates their minds and alcohol reduces stress. Well, I'd say God has a better shot at it. He can stimulate your mind and get rid of all your stress, not just reduce it, without the risk of giving you cancer or causing you liver cirrhosis. As for your money, it will go to better use. 

The people that you love also have the potential to enslave you. A typical example is when you cannot do anything unless you get approval from friends or family. This may seem innocent but it is, in fact, a form of slavery. It is only God who understands the extremes you can reach as an individual. Therefore, you can do yourself a favour and stop limiting yourself to the opinions of those around you. Another way you may end up enslaving yourself to people is by doing all it takes to impress them so that they can like you. This is wrong. Yes, we should be good to people but that should not be at the cost of our individuality. Therefore, just be yourself and focus on impressing the One above.

2nd Corinthians 3:17 says, “Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” Jesus died on the cross to set us free from the bondage of sin. The devil is today using the worldly things to enslave us when we don’t even realize. 2nd Corinthians 4:4 talks of the god of this age having blinded the unbelievers. Indeed, the devil is a witty liar. He creeps into our lives and holds us hostage through the unexpected channels. In order to guarantee your freedom, you need to let the Lord take full control of your life. Let God be your Master. The most beautifully ironic thing about being a slave to the laws and statutes of God is that they in turn set you free. David, in Psalms 19, recognises the same. Your eyes become open to the boundless limits you can achieve by God’s amazing grace. James 4:10 says, “Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up.” In the worldly view, slavery entails oppression and torture, however with God, He is a gentle and yet powerful Master. Hebrews 4:15 puts it as, “For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathise with our weaknesses, but we have One who has been tempted in every way just as we are – yet was without sin.” Where in this world can you find such a master?

In conclusion, it is easy to succumb to the wrong kind of spiritual slavery. The pressure to conform to the ways of this world can lead us there. However, Romans 6:19 gives us solace. It says, “I put this in human terms, because you are weak in your natural selves. Just as you used to offer the parts of your body in slavery to impurity and ever increasing wickedness, so now offer them in slavery to righteousness, leading to Holiness.” Surrendering your body to God as a living sacrifice is all He needs and He will do the rest. The Holy Spirit will guide and show you the way.

Galatians 5:1 – It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.