Monday 29 April 2013


I love the moonlight. I enjoy it most when it is the full moon and the lights are out. Artificial lights always block it away making it obscure. I am sure those in the city have no clue about this.

From the science I did, I very well know that the moon does not have its own light. It only reflects it to earth from somewhere. That's the sun. The moon is just a solid heavenly body. It has no capacity to produce light. However, it brightens up magnificently during the dark of night. How it does it? It just positions itself in such a way that it gets sufficient sun rays so that it can light up. Depending on its position, it can either be a full moon, a gibbous or a crescent. 

From the moon perspective, I see a perfect analogy of a Christian. None of us can boast of having our own self-made righteousness. On our own, we cannot be blameless. We have been in sin since the beginning and it is therefore impossible to conquer evil. All was lost until Jesus Christ came to the rescue.

We, like the moon, attain our righteousness from Christ. Romans 6:18 says, “You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness”. Verse 19 of the same chapter expounds on the concept of our righteousness in the Lord even better. 2 Corinthians 5:21 talks of us having the righteousness of God by God making Him who had no sin to be sin. Jesus Christ poured Himself out for us. Hence today, each one of us has been justified to righteousness by the blood of Jesus. However, we have to make a decision to live for Christ. There is need to focus and shift our priorities to suit those of God. It is no easy fate. We need grace. The amazing part is that God promised that the grace will always be sufficient and it sure is.

As Christians, therefore, we ought to reflect the righteousness of God to those around us. We should be His ambassadors. In every way, we must live our lives to the glory of God. The moon cannot be reached by the sun rays unless it is well positioned. The same applies to us. We have to allow ourselves to be used by God through His Holy Spirit. That way, the light of God's righteousness shall fully shine on us making us to portray the same to the world. From 1 Corinthians 6:19, the Bible tells us that we are not our own since we were bought at a price. Therefore, honour God with your body. 

However, God's righteousness in us may not always be visible to those of the world. This can be faulted to either party. On our side, the Christians, it maybe because we have not fully offered ourselves to God's service. The light of God in us may then end up being too faint hence of no effect. On the part of the unbelievers, 2 Corinthians 4:4 says, “The god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” In as much as we may try to reach out, not all will receive us kindly. Persecution is real and this is the work of the devil. He has succeeded in blinding most unbelievers to the extent that they fail to realize that they have a Maker.

The moonlight is always brightest and clearly visible when the lights are out. Thus, until the unbelievers shut out the worldly pleasures and give into the convictions of the Holy Spirit, they will forever be slaves to sin. Reaching out does not necessarily have to be the routine sermons and preaching. We can do it differently. They may not always be ready to listen but that should not discourage us. Nothing can prevent us from showering them with the love of God. Let us be there for them and bring them into direct contact with God through our actions. That way, they will be slowly drawn to the source of our joy in selflessly serving them. In the end, by God's grace, they will cross over and join us in our race towards eternal life with Jesus Christ.

Just like the moon depends on the sun for its light, let us also place our trust in Jesus to live lives that are righteous. The Holy Spirit is always at our disposal. We only have to pay attention to His convictions and the still small voice of God deep within our hearts. The only task we are left with is to just shut out the worldly noise and listen.

Monday 22 April 2013


“Who am I that the Lord of all the earth, would care to know my name, would care to feel my hurt?” These are lyrics from the song “Who am I” by Casting Crowns. I sometimes have the same questions in my mind. I find it peculiar and incredibly amazing that a God as mighty as the Great I am would want to be apart of my life. Especially when I recall how I was before accepting Him into my life. It beats me. But then again, He is love. His love for us was so intense and uncompromising that He did the ‘unthinkable’. To our human minds, it is unthinkable. Nonetheless, our Father in heaven did it.

Who am I that God would give His one and only son Jesus to die for me on the cross, so that I would not perish, but have eternal life? That is from John 3:16. I know many of us have heard of it. However, do we stop to measure the weight of that verse? Do we meditate upon the words? To sum it all up, God made a grand sacrifice. He knows how hard it is and that is why he tested Abraham with it. He regarded Abraham highly because he was ready to do the ‘unthinkable’. He obediently set out to sacrifice Isaac. The son he had waited for, for so many years. God loves us so much. He has freely given us an option of life. Eternal life for that matter. But what do we do? Out of ignorance and lack of knowledge, we reject Him. We prefer to love the world and in the end…..well, that's a tragic story for another day. 

Who am I that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, would choose to die for me? He took all my sins away, cleansed, sanctified and justified me with his precious blood. O such love!! I'll be forever awed. The pain and the shame. He bore it all for me. He carried the burden of sin which set Him apart from God. He cried “Eloi Eloi, Lama Sabachthani”. That manifested the peak of pain He felt at being separated from God the Father. Jesus was in utter agony. He finally gave up His Spirit and after three days, He rose from the dead. He had defeated death. Now because of what He did, I am more than a conqueror.

In their bridge, Casting Crowns sing, “It's not because of who I am, but because of what you've done and not because of what I've done, but because of who you are…” These words are addressing our Lord and savior. It is neither because of who I am nor what I have done that I can stand in righteousness and confidence before the Lord today. It is all because of what He did for me on the cross and His loving nature.

It is, therefore, clear to me that for the Son of God to make such a sacrifice as dying on the cross for me, I must be worth a lot in His eyes. For Him to offer me the gift of spending eternity with Him, I must be very special to Him. Therefore, everyday, I pray that I get to see myself the way He sees me and to also value myself the way He values me. I know that way, I will learn how to live my life the way He wants me to. My time on earth may not be much, but everyday I live, I want to ensure that I make that sacrifice that the Lord made for me count. 

Saturday 13 April 2013


The mumbles and grumbles of the Israelites had gotten into God's nerves big time. They had gotten out of control. Moses and Aaron were totally worn out by their endless complaints. Through the journey in the wilderness, they never stopped pointing out how they wished they had died in Egypt. How devastated God must have been to hear them utter such misgivings. The many miracles God performed right before their eyes. The numerous victories He gave them over their enemies. The manna and the quails. All these lost significance to the children of Israel. They thought God was being unfair to them. Really? 
This allusion resonates with us in a big way. Life is like a mountain, one Congolese singer refrained. It has its highs and lows. When the tidings are favorable, we smile and sing with joy. However, when the bad times set in, we tend to be so frustrated that we even forget the good times. We start blaming God with some going to the extent of even doubting His existence. The Israelites did the same. They spoke against God and in the end, they faced the music.

After a couple of years spent wondering in the desert, two of Moses’ siblings, Miriam and Aaron, perished. The people mourned them for long and later moved on. They took long routes and the Israelites could not hide their impatience. Numbers 21:5 tells us that they spoke against God and Moses. They openly expressed their anger. God then puts them on the razor's edge. He could no longer stomach their mediocrity. The same Numbers 21:6-9 gives a very significant account the Israelites encountered. They had pushed God to the wall.

Our God truly is slow to anger. Instead of sweeping the Israelites off the face of the earth, He still gave them a chance. God sent venomous snakes among them and many died. They then went to Moses and begged him to pray for God's mercy for they had sinned. They wanted him to ask God to take the snakes away. God heard Moses’ prayer but He answered it His way. He asked Moses to make a bronze snake and put it on a pole. If anyone was bitten by a snake and he/she looked up at the bronze snake, he/she lived. All they had to do was just focus on the bronze snake. 

God could have taken the venomous snakes away, but He chose not to. He wanted us to draw something from this short encounter. We may go through difficult times: financial constraints, broken relationships, unemployment etc. Hard as it may seem, it is better for us not to grumble and complain like the Israelites did. Life is not meant to be a bed of roses. That is a fact. If we accept it, then we will be able to view life from a reasonable angle. The story of Job brings this out perfectly. Job had all He wanted and even more. When the worst came his way, he took it in as well. He never cursed God (contrary to the devil's expectations). He tells his wife off when she taunts him in Job 2:10, “…shall we accept only good from God and not trouble?” That kind of unwavering loyalty to God…amazing.

I cannot begin to imagine the kind of torment the Israelites experienced with the serpents. The bronze snake on the pole was their savior then. It may appear quite simple, focusing on the pole, but how come today it still proves challenging? Today, Jesus Christ is our bronze snake. To top it all, He did not just hang on the cross, Jesus died for our sins. He opened the door for our direct fellowship with God. Isaiah 53:5 puts it across wonderfully. The Lord chose to leave all His glory and power to come and die for us. We were not worthy but He did it all the same. Without a doubt, there is no greater love.

That higher place is always there. All we need to do is just focus on the Lord Jesus. We should not allow fear, doubt or worry to cloud our focus on the cross. Looking up at the bronze snake means trusting in God in whom we find infinite solace. Am certain many Israelites succumbed to the snake bites due to anxiety and doubt. The deal sounded too good to be true. Well, I tell you the truth, it's all for real and all for free. The tribulations may not be evicted from your life but the Lord promised, in Joshua 1:5, that He would never leave you nor forsake you. He will carry you through. 

The small snakes serve to test our faith in God. James 1:12 says”Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised those who love Him”. Thus, let us be steadfast and focus on the high place where our Lord is. He is faithful. Even when things don't go our way, let us still trust and praise Him at all times. The price at the end of the race is worth the tussle.

Saturday 6 April 2013


“We live in a free world”, that’s what they say. They call it laissez faire. I call it being lost. Everyone goes wherever they want, does what they please, anytime and “who cares?” Rules and taboos are losing their meaning. Our culture is fading away. It’s kind of creepy. I used to wonder how my offspring would thrive in such a setting. It used to break my heart big time. At least that was before the light came over me. It revealed to me that it is all in my hands. I determine the fate of my offspring. So, with that, I sought to know what I ought to do.

Everyone would love to stand out. Be different from the rest. We are all different but people like to add a little gist, which is OK. I, however, have an issue with the way some of us engage in the most bizarre of things, all in the name of getting attention. Need I enlist what fashion and moral decadence have done to the youth? No! It’s plain and obvious. People go with what they feel is right and not what IS right. I am not in any way purporting that being a ‘fashionista’ is sinful. It is the extremes that baffle me, and I am sure I am not alone. As Christians, we have to be careful with matters regarding our appearance. We maybe Spirit-filled in our hearts, but in order to sell it out, we need to look the part. We actually have a code of conduct and Philippians 1:27 clearly states it. “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ…” That’s it. We ought to represent Christ to the fullest. Our lives, in every way, must depict the character of God. 

Matthew 5:13 tells us to be the salt of the earth. Salt is an essential ingredient in almost all foods I know. It adds flavor. Now that is our responsibility in this world. Adding a little goodness to the evil and wickedness surrounding us. No matter how few we may think we are, the world needs us. We therefore have to be firm in upholding our Christ like standards. From its nature, salt never loses its saltiness, no matter how long it stays, as long as it is well preserved. In order to maintain our saltiness, which is our significance in the Kingdom, we have to ensure that we stay intimate with God. We must pray without ceasing, read the word as often as possible, ensuring that we put into practice what we read, and reach out with the Gospel as much as we can. By doing so, our saltiness shall never cease. It will trickle down to our coming generations. This is the revelation that gives me peace concerning my offspring. So long as we are on the right path, they will be too. God promises, in Exodus, 20:6, to show love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commands. In His faithfulness, I know they will do just fine.

The worldly view of standing out, however, in my words, is quite stressing and utterly unachievable. Today, you will look gorgeous in your dress and stilettos, tomorrow, you will have someone outdoing you. That then sends you back to the internet, or wherever, looking for the latest ones. It is a rat race. Comparing yourself with others will only leave you bitter and depressed. Just be yourself. Value your own style and who knows.  You might even end up standing out even better that way.

Matthew in 5:14 goes ahead to say – You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. When light suddenly appears in a dark room, noticing it is inevitable. In addition, it lights up the room, making everything visible and clear. Let us be the light of this world. Let us go out there and touch people's lives. Let’s be the hope of the discouraged, a voice of the oppressed and courageously, but gracefully, rebuke evil. We need to stand out from those in the darkness. We have to rebel from being like the rest. When others see our good deeds, they will not only be gratified, but they will also praise our Father in Heaven. Giving all glory to Him.


Psalms 23:1-3 – The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Yes. That is our Lord. That is what He loves doing for us. Providing for us. Giving us peace in our hearts and restoring our souls. He also leads us in righteousness and all this for His name's sake. But how many let Him do so in their lives?
Since the Lord is my shepherd, the Bible says, I shall not be in want. That sounds like a promise to me. This then means that I need to let go, trust Him and allow Him to be my shepherd. However, how many times do we have doubts when facing hard times? How many times do we ask “Is the Lord really with me?”? We start applying our own efforts. Our own wit which, most of the time, creates ideas out of fear. Ideas which focus on the short term solutions. Fear and doubt obscure our eyes from seeing the reality of things and that is where we falter. When we are down, we start crying out for help. We don't call out for God's help, we just call out. He watches. 
In spite of all, our ever loving Father is always with us. Even when we are unsure, He is always there. We may be uncertain, but He is always working something out behind the curtains. He is that faithful. We need to be sure of this fact. All we need to do is just acknowledge His presence and at His own set time, He will manifest. When doubts creep in, let us learn to denounce them out loud. I always say “God promised me that He would never leave me nor forsake me and I chose to believe Him”. That very moment I say this confidently, doubt jumps out of the window and hope becomes my strength. This is the kind of faith we need to posses. Nothing gives God more joy than having undisputed loyalty and faith in Him.
From Romans 8:31, the Bible asks, if the Lord is for us, who can be against us? Another verse encourages that – with the Lord, we are more than conquerors. Again, Philippians 4:13 says – I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. These are just but a few of the many assurances of victory we are given in the word. Many a times we have come across them. Countless times we have heard sermons about them. Zillions of songs have been composed exhorting the same theme. But do we listen, or do we just hear? Do we meditate and think about what it really means to be more than a conqueror?
As sons of God, we are more than conquerors. We can do all things, overcome all temptations and rise above any situation in Jesus’ name. Yes, that is the Name. When we falter, we need to call on Him. He will always lift us up. We need to believe and have confidence that we are more than conquerors because we have a Mighty God on our side. A loving shepherd. Whatever the circumstance, let us be still and let go. He will always come to our rescue. Things may not always go our way but let us trust that His way is the best. With that in mind, like a sheep, I will let Him be my shepherd.