Friday 28 June 2013


“Do I really have to do it now?”…“It’s not that urgent.”…“I’ll get to it later.” The many excuses we come up with to avoid doing something we need to do. With how things are today, the pressure from all directions may sometimes leave us confused about what we really need to prioritize. The duties and responsibilities bombarding us every day, the friends and family we need to attend to, emails and messages we need to reply. It might just weigh a bit too much on us.

Duty calls almost every moment. It is hard to just do one thing at one given time. Even the time to just sit down and relax can end up being unavailable. However, we can choose to do the right thing, at the right time. In an article, entitled Master time, in the Saturday magazine, Oliver Emberton revealed, “Humans are pre-wired to focus on things which demand an immediate response…and to postpone things which are most important…” I thought this revelation was quite valid and it got me thinking. I have since sought to change a few aspects in order to improve the quality of my life.

Whenever you feel that something is important and, from deep within your heart, you have the urge and the time to do it, just do it right there and then. You might be tempted to procrastinate but the problem is that, that might have just been the best, or worse, only chance you had of doing it. We have an enemy, Satan, who will stop at nothing to make us suffer and eventually, end up like him. The moment you make that decision to do something good, either for yourself or for someone else, he will do all it takes to fight it. Therefore, do what you need to do the moment you have a chance to do it and proceed. Don’t say you will do it later. Paul reasons with us in James 4:14-15, “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” Therefore, since you cannot be sure about your tomorrow, for your own sake, just do what you got to do right there and then. For that which you cannot do, let it rest in God’s perfect will.

It might be that sick one you have to visit in hospital. You may be the one to cheer them up to recovery. It could be that pledge you made in church, or a child’s school fees that you promised to pay. Don’t keep postponing, just do it already. It could also be an assignment that is due in two weeks time but you have the chance to do it now. How about you just get done with it and be easy for the rest of the time as you wait to hand it over. I must admit that I am a culprit of such but, I do believe, I am on the road to change. It always seems too early to do some of these essential things. It only hits us when it is almost time and we have to rush to get things done, or worse, when it is too late. Procrastination is indeed, a bad syndrome.

Now this is the epitome of all procrastination. We spend many Sundays in church, listening to the word of God. We even, at times, agree with what it says because we see the point. However, how many of us choose to truly live by it? How many times do we leave the church and forget about what it was the pastor said? How many instances do we convince ourselves out of responding to the alter call, when the preacher calls on those who wish to give their lives to Christ? I hear many saying that they have not yet felt the conviction. Do you know that by saying so, you are actually dismissing that very conviction you claim not to be feeling? Others may say that they are still enjoying their youth and will get born again later in their years. The enemy delights in such speak because he knows exactly what to do so that you miss out on eternal life. He will make you so engrossed in loving the world and its pleasures that you will even end up forgetting about that plan you had. Worse, he can as well destroy you before you get to that time you intend to give your life to Christ.

Don’t take any chances, just do it. Time is running out quick and life is not that long. Live for the moment, making good use of every opportunity, and let God hold your tomorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. Dear sister, need I procrastinate the words v ur awsomness n the fact that ever u find a way to spik to ma heart convicting me v thngs I ocasionaly asume?? Thnku 1c again dearest. Kip being usd v God
