Saturday 6 April 2013


“We live in a free world”, that’s what they say. They call it laissez faire. I call it being lost. Everyone goes wherever they want, does what they please, anytime and “who cares?” Rules and taboos are losing their meaning. Our culture is fading away. It’s kind of creepy. I used to wonder how my offspring would thrive in such a setting. It used to break my heart big time. At least that was before the light came over me. It revealed to me that it is all in my hands. I determine the fate of my offspring. So, with that, I sought to know what I ought to do.

Everyone would love to stand out. Be different from the rest. We are all different but people like to add a little gist, which is OK. I, however, have an issue with the way some of us engage in the most bizarre of things, all in the name of getting attention. Need I enlist what fashion and moral decadence have done to the youth? No! It’s plain and obvious. People go with what they feel is right and not what IS right. I am not in any way purporting that being a ‘fashionista’ is sinful. It is the extremes that baffle me, and I am sure I am not alone. As Christians, we have to be careful with matters regarding our appearance. We maybe Spirit-filled in our hearts, but in order to sell it out, we need to look the part. We actually have a code of conduct and Philippians 1:27 clearly states it. “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ…” That’s it. We ought to represent Christ to the fullest. Our lives, in every way, must depict the character of God. 

Matthew 5:13 tells us to be the salt of the earth. Salt is an essential ingredient in almost all foods I know. It adds flavor. Now that is our responsibility in this world. Adding a little goodness to the evil and wickedness surrounding us. No matter how few we may think we are, the world needs us. We therefore have to be firm in upholding our Christ like standards. From its nature, salt never loses its saltiness, no matter how long it stays, as long as it is well preserved. In order to maintain our saltiness, which is our significance in the Kingdom, we have to ensure that we stay intimate with God. We must pray without ceasing, read the word as often as possible, ensuring that we put into practice what we read, and reach out with the Gospel as much as we can. By doing so, our saltiness shall never cease. It will trickle down to our coming generations. This is the revelation that gives me peace concerning my offspring. So long as we are on the right path, they will be too. God promises, in Exodus, 20:6, to show love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commands. In His faithfulness, I know they will do just fine.

The worldly view of standing out, however, in my words, is quite stressing and utterly unachievable. Today, you will look gorgeous in your dress and stilettos, tomorrow, you will have someone outdoing you. That then sends you back to the internet, or wherever, looking for the latest ones. It is a rat race. Comparing yourself with others will only leave you bitter and depressed. Just be yourself. Value your own style and who knows.  You might even end up standing out even better that way.

Matthew in 5:14 goes ahead to say – You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. When light suddenly appears in a dark room, noticing it is inevitable. In addition, it lights up the room, making everything visible and clear. Let us be the light of this world. Let us go out there and touch people's lives. Let’s be the hope of the discouraged, a voice of the oppressed and courageously, but gracefully, rebuke evil. We need to stand out from those in the darkness. We have to rebel from being like the rest. When others see our good deeds, they will not only be gratified, but they will also praise our Father in Heaven. Giving all glory to Him.

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