Tuesday 14 May 2013


“This movie has been here for far too long. Let me check it out,” I thought to myself as I double clicked on a movie entitled The Encounter in my computer. It had been there for more than a fortnight. I had gotten it, among other movies, from my then boyfriend's place. He talked lightly of it being some kind of Jesus story. Then a luke-warm Christian, I took it anyway. From then, something in me seemed to push me to watch it while another part of me kept resisting the urge. In the end, I gave in and I watched it. It was a thoroughly inspiring movie. I remember shedding tears severally as I watched the events in the film unravel. A very gifted fellow acted out as Jesus and I must say, he did a remarkable performance. He was gentle, calm and composed the whole time. The way he addressed the visitors in his hotel, which was the movie’s main setting, amazed me. It got me thinking. I did not understand what, exactly, was happening to me, but indeed, something was.

It had been three years since I set foot into campus. Life was moderately fine. I tried hard not to miss classes, though sometimes I did. I mostly attended church when I could. I routinely made a prayer before bedtime. I prepared my own food and I also had good relations with my room mate. I always found a way of justifying my actions and therefore, I barely saw anything wrong with my spiritual life. I used to wonder about those who kept attending fellowships and the door to door evangelists, who I even found bothersome. The Bible I had was only meant for church services. I thought it impossible to find my own time to read the word. I rarely went for raves and the occasional entertainment events at our Student's Center, but with some good convincing, I would go. In my first year, I even attempted to contest in a beauty pageant. To sum it all up, I loved to have a good time, or so it seemed.
Two weeks after my encounter with The Encounter, that was 6th May, 2012, things took a new turn. It was a Sunday. The preacher, Mr. Raburu, a lecturer, touched the core of my soul with his preaching on Re-branding. This meant doing a personal spiritual review to find out if you lived your life in line with your original calling as a Christian. He was candid and his words cut me through like a razor sharp sword. The power of the Holy Spirit took a toll on me when he called on those who wanted to give their lives to Christ once again. There was no way I could resist this time as I always did. For the first time, I gave in to the alter call. I was pleasantly surprised to see that my lovely friend Tecla had decided on the same. I was glad and thankful to God, and even excited, to begin this walk with such a special friend. We both prayed for God’s grace as we embarked on our newly began journey.

One year down the line and I am still singing the same song, but now, even louder. I am living for my savior Jesus. Through reading the word, listening to it and following various devotionals, it is hard to go off course. The world and its pleasures seemed like fun, but now, I find my life having more meaning with Jesus in control. It has not been a smooth ride. Hard times came and I was distraught. The option of turning back kept crossing my mind, but I chose to hang in there. I had to break up with my boyfriend a few months after I got born again. I had changed and the girl he had fallen for was no more. He kept complaining that I had no time for him and that he missed the old me. I could not be the old me. It was difficult but we had to end it. I got into another relationship with a non-born-again. It started all sunny and bright, but later, it just could not work. That’s when I understood the whole concept of 2 Corinthians 6:14. There could be no association between the light and darkness. Single I am and totally at peace with it. I am now taking my time to comprehend God’s will and the purpose He has for my life.

I have had plenty of good times too. I've met great people who have all been a blessing. On the forefront being my spiritual mom n dad, Mr. and Mrs. Macharia. Immediately I accepted Christ, they led me into the beauty of salvation. They opened up my eyes in the most brilliant of ways. Together with Tecla and a few others, they offered us discipleship classes. They spoke intently about what it meant to be born again. They reiterated on 2 Corinthians 5:17. I give glory to God, for truly, the old me has gone, and a new me has come. The Coast Evangelistic Team is a blessed family. The constant prayers and fellowship meetings taught me the power of unity in Christians. It was a perfect Acts 2:42-47 scenario. The Bible study sessions with my other spiritual mom Emelda were nothing short of amazing. They were fun and the enthusiasm among the members always left me yearning for the next session. Never in my mind had it occurred to me that salvation could be this enjoyable.

The long holiday began and I kept wondering how I would survive at home without all these people who seemed to hold me together under the light of God. I was a bit unsure but I knew God was with me. He wanted me steady, because He gave His life for me, and therefore, He would definitely sort me out. I thank God for my family, especially my mother. She is my second mentor. Her words of wisdom and the many chats we have are always encouraging and eye-opening. My dearest friend Joseph is, to say the least, a Godsend. We began talking barely a month before we closed. I had, by no means, foreseen that God was planning to use Him in a way this great. Despite him being miles away, we always find ample time to share our experiences, the word of God and even pray together. He is commonly known for his amazing spoken words. I have heard and read a few of his productions and I must say that the guy is talented. I should also mention that he has played a major role in influencing me to write. On the same note, I have to acknowledge my girlfriend Zeddy. She introduced me to the idea of blogging which I had thought to be a difficult process only meant for the techno savvy. However, I have come to find it so easy and fun. I thank God because now, it is officially my hobby; blogging for the glory of God.

I have numerous other friends and family who have done a great deal in helping me stand, both directly and indirectly. I may not have mentioned them here but God knows each one of them by name and will surely reward them. I thank God every day for the gift of salvation He has bestowed on me and how He has carried me through it. It is all by His wonderful grace. If it were not for Him, I would not have made it this far. I have seen Him manifest in every aspect of my life and deep down my heart I know that He is taking me further. He is a mighty God. With Him by my side, even my mind cannot conceive the plans that He has in store for me. Jeremiah 29:11 shall be my hope and in His word, I shall abide for all the days of my life. Amidst the trouble and confusion of this world, I shall praise and worship the Lord, for in Him, I find peace.

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